
Wait for it

I've started a read-through-the-bible-in-a-year program that takes you through the bible thematically. Basically, it will have you read a couple of chapters in the old testament, and then one or two chapters in psalms or the new testament that are related to the old testament text.
I have been really enjoying it because it gives a wider perspective on each chapter.

The other day I read the story of Jacob and Esau and how Esau sold his birthright for a meal from Jacob when he was famished after a hunting trip.
The program then took me to Hebrews, in the twelve chapter. There it warns us not to be like Esau who fell away from holiness and became bitter because he...

 "for a morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears."  Hebrews 12:16b-17

After I read these verses, the question came to me. Have I been trading in my "birthright", promise, or blessing from God in for a temporary relief of the hunger that burns within my soul? Do I live for the moment, and miss eternal blessings?
Where in my life am I setting for the quick fix, instead of holding on to what is mine in Christ, knowing that I can get my fill at home if I wait just a little bit longer.
Am I allowing myself to be deceived into thinking that I need to be filled NOW with something that won't last but a few hours?

I don't want to sell myself short.
I want to wait for God and his blessing, His eternal reward.

It so hard for me to look past the fears, and struggles that are right in front of my face. Sometimes I do feel like my soul is starving, and I forget that God desires to fill me up beyond the moment. It just takes a little patience. Maybe some discomfort, but the blessings are always worth waiting for.

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