
Be Willing

I was reading in Exodus today. You know all of those verses that talk about building the tabernacle, telling how wide this is and what material to use to create that. Well, I found a gem in there today.

There is a portion of scripture in the middle of all that, where God asks Moses to tell everyone that is willing to donate items, money, and time to the cause of building the tabernacle. The emphasis on "willing" was very obvious and repetitive.

Looking at my life, I have noticed that I have been in a place where I am basically waiting for God to force me to surrender. Like, begging God to make me give myself fully to Him.
But this morning, I had an epiphany. What God wants from me is willingness. He doesn't need a puppet. He won't force me to surrender and be obedient, even if that is what I pray for.

A willing heart is the first step into building the tabernacle of a life useful for God's glory.
He calls for me to willingly lay all that I have at His feet; so He can use it to bring good in my life.

A willing heart is faith. Faith that God knows what He is buildng and that it will be good.

He is a good Father.
His calling is persistent, but gentle.
He will not force me into surrender, but He will not give up on me either.