
No squirrels

The animated movie "Up" has frequented our television screen. If you have never seen it, it is an adorable film about a cute little old man who, after loosing his wife, is being forced to move out of the home where they shared their life together, into a retirement home. Instead of allowing all of his memories to be destroyed, he attaches helium balloons to his chimney and flies away with his house to reach a place that he and his wife always dreamed of living together.
During his "flight" he encounters and interacts with dogs that are able to talk with special collars that their master "cue... the villain" made for them.

Whenever the dogs would see a squirrel, even if it was in mid sentence they would yell "SQUIRREL" and then stare at it (or... The direction they think they saw it) for a few moments before continuing with their conversation.
They were also so easily distracted by tennis balls and treats... it is hilarious, you just have to see it. :)

Anyway, there is a point to this ramble. :)
My thoughts about animated movies and my life ran together this evening and I saw the similarity of myself and those dogs.

Last week I was doing so good. You know, focused. On track both spiritually and physically.
Then, I allowed these fleeting pleasures distract me, and pull my attention away from the direction that I was going.
Like those dogs who totally messed up by chasing after tennis balls instead of being obedient to their master, I messed things up by chasing after something smaller than the plan that God has for me.
Distractions that have me mesmerized until I snap back into reality and realize that I am running after something that brings no purpose and gives no life.

It is so easy to get caught up in those "squirrel" moments. To have my attention drawn away from the path God has me on and to lose focus.

This past week I have been chasing after tennis balls, but is time to get back to being the person I know I am called to be.

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