
What I Know

One of my favorite songs is called "What I Know" by Trisha Brock. It is a song that I have sung through tears at the lowest moments of my life, sounding the words as a declaration prayer.
The words of the chorus are...
What I know, is you my God are real, no matter how I feel, you never let me go.
And what I know, is there will never be day you aren't just a breath away.
Through it all I've gotta hold to what I know.
Stuff happens in life, and sometimes I'm just like, "What?".
I wonder why it has to happen, I wonder why I have to struggle so.

There are days when there are just questions that don't have answers, and all there is left to hold on to is what I know.
What I know is that God is real.
I know that He always holds me, He always cares, and He always wants what is best for me.
I know that no matter what happens, no matter how hard life gets, He is always there, ready to listen, ready to give me comfort and wisdom at the asking.
I know that He is one whisper away.

What I know is that I am never alone.
I know that I don't walk this life without my God beside me.

When hardship knocks me down, and I remember what I know, it is enough.
His presence is more than enough.

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