

Doubt sees a mountain no way around it.
Faith sees a victory no doubt about it.
Fear sees the ceiling, hope sees the stars.
Love be the light inside of our hearts.

Limitless. That is the name of the song that the above quote comes from. The song talks about how we are limitless in Christ because we have the power of His love in our hearts. We are limitless because we belong to One who knows no limits. 

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Especially recently.
Do me a favour and think about that one thing that you struggle the most with in your life. I've got one of those, many of us has one of those things that kick us to the ground everyday. 
Maybe you are like me and experience victory over your struggle for a time, but then somehow find yourself right back where you started.
I am in the place of beginning again. My biggest struggle is finding the faith to make that first step. It is a risk every time to make the choice to believe that this time, I will triumph, I will be freed. 
It is hard to ignore the little voice inside that tells me "What makes this any different then the last time that you tried, you will be back here again." 
But today I chose to look at the truth. The truth says that I have the ability in Christ to conquer this. He holds our freedom in His hands, he wants us to find it, to run to it and to claim it for ourselves. 
It is a comfort to me to know that whatever I am facing, I can do it. 
He said so.

We were listening to the radio in the way home from church yesterday and Reverand J. John was preaching. He said something that I wrote down because I knew I didn't want to forget it. It was this:

When David saw Goliath he had two possible reactions. "He is really big, I better run away." or "He is really big, how can I miss?"

We can hit our giants and make them fall because we have the potential in Christ. The same power that rose Jesus from the grave. The same power that healed the sick, raised the dead, lives inside of you and me. When we realize this truly, that giant will look more like an easy target than something that will not be defeated. 

So, will you join me on this journey to freedom?

Now thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to trumph in Christ.
 2 Corinthians 2:14a

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