

Days over flowing with joy, sadness, hardship, learning, growing, despair, hope.
Instead of forming a story of this past month, I prefer to put all of the emotions and memories in a jar.
The good times and bad. The joy and sadness. Hope and despair. All of it.
I want to shake it all together, and pull out the experience and lessons that together they create, then share that... instead of the story, with you all.

It has been quite a ride for me, these last bundle of days gone by. But as I shake that jar, I see that the good is balancing out the bad. It is a mountain disguised as a valley.

Though most days it seems I live life crawling just to carry on. I see that I am lifted by arms that I didn't want to see. Carried by a love that I didn't recognize.

My heart is beating, beating for something bigger than myself. That is enough.